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River Delta Development

Beschrijving opleiding

River Delta Development unique features - you will acquire in-depth knowledge of a river delta system through 1.5 years (3 x 30 EC) of working in and learning about the various constituent regions, specifically the coast, river systems, and urban water; - you will gain knowledge and insight into transitional processes, system changes, and research methods; - you will work Lees verder »


The English-taught master River Delta Development is a unique joint degree offered by three universities of applied sciences with complementing expertise in the field of water. The three universities of applied sciences are: HZ University of Applied Sciences (coastal regions), Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (river systems), and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Lees verder »


  Niveau HBO
  Duur 2 jaar
  Vormen Voltijd
  Branches Grond-, Weg en Waterbouw

Instroom / toelatingseisen

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Voor- en Achternaam:*
Postcode en Plaats:*
jaar Vooropleiding:
Instelling(en): Hogeschool Rotterdam
Controle code*: 010e6Typ de code exact over: (hoofdlettergevoelig)

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Hogeschool Rotterdam