International Business Innovation Studies (IBIS)
Everywhere in the world, innovation is key. Our society is in the midst of a shift in world views. We are moving from a post-industrial techno market which is characterized by linearity and standardisation (think of the factory model introduced by Frederick W. Taylor and Henry Ford), to a social-ecological era. This new era revolves around customisation, personalisation, differentiation and distribution. Complexity is shifting from something that is mostly two-dimensional and that can be addressed sequentially, to something that is three-dimensional that demands simultaneous and integrated attention, with a more cross-disciplinary approach. As predictability becomes more difficult and uncertainty becomes the norm, innovation becomes indispensable for businesses. More than ever, in the 21st century businesses need to be able to understand key trends that will shape the future of technology, customers, society and the market place and be agile at responding to these.
The International Business Innovation Studies programme is dedicated to providing the 21st century international business world with the (junior) directors of innovation who will help businesses to survive and thrive in this age of relentless innovation. The primary focus of the International Business Innovation Studies programme is on initiating, designing, managing and executing innovation in (all aspects) of business on an international scale. The programme is a merge of solid business knowledge, creativity and innovation, combined with a good dose of international and cross-cultural knowledge and skills.
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